Saturday, May 7, 2016

Cinema After Dark Radio: Interview with Max Cole!

Greetings! I know it's been awhile since I last posted, but I wanted to take a moment to update you all on some awesome news.

First, on June 1, 2016, my first ever short (very short) novella, Paradise Found, will be launched as part of Naughty Literati's Naughty Heatwave anthology featuring some incredibly talented authors. I'll have more information on the anthology soon, everything from links, excerpts, and a video showcasing every story.

I've also obtained the rights of four former full-length Paranormal Historical Romances previously released with Ellora's Cave Publishing. As many know, changes at the publisher have been very complicated and I'm very, very happy to be relaunching these books in a multi-book series The Abcynians. Currently in edits, Persuasion. Be on the lookout for more information coming soon.

Now, if you've noticed the subject line of this post, I wanted to share with an amazing opportunity that came to me recently. A few years ago, Max Cole, a producer, creator, and director of independent films followed me on Twitter, since then, he's touched base professionally, inquiring about my books with EC and now, my Indie published titles. Incredibly, he invited me to be a part of his radio show for an in-depth interview. It was an awesome experience and we discussed everything from creating characters and writing, to favorite movies, TV shows, and, yes, even my favorite football team. Just a hint? I live in New England, so you can guess which team I support.

I'd also like to preface one thing during the interview. If anyone wishes to learn more about my former publisher and my personal experience, please scroll through previous posts right here on my blog. That said, I'd like to add that the months of non-payment of royalties mentioned during the Podcast reflect the time period from July 2015 to May 2016. I have received payment to reflect dates preceding July 2015. Just wanted to clarify that.

If you'd like to check out the interview, please visit the following link:

My thanks to Max Cole. It was an honor! Let's do it again sometime.

Frances Stocktom

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